Aadit Deshpande



Contact: aaditd [at] andrew.cmu.edu
GitHub: aadit3003
LinkedIn: Aadit Deshpande
Resume (PDF)

Last Updated: Jul 2024

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Hi! I'm Aadit Deshpande, a graduate student at the School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University. I am pursuing a Master's degree in the Language Technologies Institute (LTI), where I am a research collaborator with Prof. Carolyn Rose's group. Through my NLP research projects and courses at CMU, I have gained expertise in all levels of computational language processing. In my current internship with Siemens DISW, I have the opportunity to apply these skills, allowing me to make informed decisions while deploying LLMs for a variety of use cases including engineering software (as well as healthcare and finance through my past experiences). I am set to graduate in Dec 2024, and I'm currently on the job market for MLE and SWE roles! Please feel free to reach out :)

At CMU, I designed my curriculum and research to gain experiences ranging from shallow language processing, while working with massive Search Engines to cultivating an in-depth knowledge of linguistics (morphosyntax and phonology), such as in my work with Prof. David Mortensen. In addition, I've diversified my skillset by exploring different modalities of NLP, as I demonstrated in my project on speech translation systems with Prof. Shinji Watanabe. In the next semester, I will be working with Prof. Lori Levin and Prof. Lei Li on my capstone project on medical translation systems.

Right before joining CMU, I graduated from Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani (BITS Pilani ), India in May of 2023 with a bachelors degree in Computer Science. At BITS Pilani, I most recently worked with Prof. Vinay Chamola with the IoT Lab, where we conducted research on Split Learning for privacy-preserving deep learning applications in healthcare (code).

In 2022, I was an intern with the Advanced NLP Team at American Express, AI Labs. At Amex, I worked on unsupervised methods to gain insights such as intent and sentiment from external consumer complaints, particularly from social media channels. At BITS, I have also worked with Prof. Sundaresan Raman on biomedical feature selection and retinal image processing.

Outside of work, I do digital art (see below, more to come soon!). I am passionate about the inclusion of LGBTQ+ folks in CS research and I've previously volunteered with QueerinAI. Feel free to email me for research collaborations or anything that I could help you with (for BITS undergrads).


  • May 2024: Started as a SDE Intern with Siemens, in the NX LLM Integration team.

  • May 2024: Finished second semester at CMU!
  • Apr 2024: Demonstrated project on Cascaded vs. end-to-end S2ST models to Prof. Shinji Watanabe's group.
  • Apr 2024: Presented research project on LLM rhyming capability to Prof. David Mortensen's group.
  • Apr 2024: Gave a talk on Extended LLM text generation (medical personas) to Prof. Carolyn Rose's group.
  • Jan 2024: Started as a TA for 10301/601 (Introduction to ML) with Prof. Henry Chai and Prof. Matt Gormley.

  • Dec 2023: Finished first semester at CMU!
  • Dec 2023: Submitted report on synthetic medical note generation, research work done with Prof. Carolyn Rose.
  • Aug 2023: Joined LTI, CMU as a graduate student!

  • May 2023: Graduated with B. Eng. Computer Science from BITS Pilani, India.


Evaluating the Rhyming capabilities of Large language models.
Aadit Deshpande, David Mortensen
[code][report][talk slides]

Cascaded vs. End-to-End Speech-to-Speech Translation systems.
Aadit Deshpande, Evan Fellman, Alexander Raskin, Sophia Topi

Maintaining Consistency in extended LLM text generation.
Aadit Deshpande, Carolyn Rose
[code][report][talk slides]

Split Learning for privacy-preserving healthcare, threat models and defensive techniques for decentralized learning.
Aadit Deshpande, Vinay Chamola

Unsupervised summary generation from social media posts with intent features (work done at AMEX, AI Labs)
Aadit Deshpande, Shreya Goyal, Prateek Nagwanshi, Avinash Tripathy

An ImageJ macro tool for OCTA-based Quantitative Analysis of Myopic Choroidal Neovascularization.
Aadit Deshpande, Sundaresan Raman, Amber Dubey, Pradeep


Software Development Intern, Siemens DISW, Cincinnati, OH
May 2024 - Present

Graduate Researcher, Teledia Research Group, CMU, Pittsburgh
Aug 2023 - May 2024

Undergraduate Researcher, IoT Lab, BITS, Pilani
Jan 2023 - Jun 2023

NLP Intern, American Express, AI Labs, India
Jul 2022 - Dec 2022

Research Intern, Boston University, CV Lab
Feb 2022 - Apr 2022

Teaching Experience

Teaching Assistant at CMU for 10-601 Introduction to Machine Learning
Instructors: Hoda Heidari , Henry Chai, and Matt Gormley
Course Website: 10-601
Semesters Taught: Spring 24

Teaching Assistant at BITS for CS F241 Microprocessors and Interfacing
Instructors: Vinay Chamola
Semesters Taught: Spring 22, 23

Other Links

Blog Posts for creative writing, tutorials and other thoughts.

My Art page